Sunday 6 March 2011

A New Beginning

Is it the same like each Sunday afternoon or is there a new element today? Each moment we witness so much around in our homes, neighbor, society, sports, entertainment and what not. At times we ponder over things, think for a while, make it a gossip point and then gradually the thoughts fade over a period of time. It happens with everybody I think. And so it happens with me too. 

This afternoon is somewhat new. Today, I thought of formalizing my thoughts and capture them in an organized way rather than letting them lose their identity. Well, who knows this thought may also fade over time as it usually happens with our new year resolutions. Yet, I am content I am giving it a try and will strive to maintain it over regular intervals. However, I know that I wont be successful until I get the support of all you friends to share your comments as we move ahead together. Are you with me :)

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